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Smart water pump controller for individual consumer

Tech Stack

The Client

The Client

The client site is a residential premises in India, which was using both the municipal water and borewell water.

The Objective

The client required automatic detection of municipal supply of water and thereafter switching on the water pump. Additionally, the consumer was concerned about water wastage due to tank overflow. Hence, he also required an automatic pump controller to switch off the pump, when the tank was filled.

The Objective

The HIPL Edge

  • HIPL used the IoT technology to setup an automatic water monitoring solution which had a dry run sensor.
  • Detection of water at backend, and water level in storage tank.
  • On detection of water in the line, the pump automatically switches on.
  • On the tank being filled, the pump automatically switches off, even if water is still in the line.
  • The pump switches off if it detects no water in line.
  • Set scheduler for automatic pump operations.
  • App based operations and insights.

The Outcome

  • IoT technology enables reduction in water wastage
  • Industrial IoT enabled usage of dry run sensor to safeguard the water pump

  • Automatic water storage with less human intervention.
  • Savings on electricity by disrupting indiscriminate operation of the pump.